Dr Saddam Bekhet, successfully passed viva

Congratulations to Saddam who successfully passed his PhD VIVA on 23rd May 2016.

Examiners have commended Saddam’s work and contributions. They also emphasized how well written the thesis is.

A well-deserved achievement Saddam, well done.

And all the best for your future career.


Amjad Altadmri – PhD

Amjad Altadmri has passed his PhD viva, subject to minor amendments, earlier today.

Thesis Title:  “Semantic Video Annotation in Domain-Independent Videos Utilising Similarity and Commonsense Knowledgebases

Thanks to the external, Dr John Wood from the University of Essex, the internal Dr Bashir Al-Diri and the viva chair, Dr Kun Guo.

Congratulations and Well done.

All colleagues are invited to join Amjad on celebrating his achievement, tomorrow (Thursday 28th Feb) at 12:00noon, in our meeting room MC3108, with some drinks and light refreshments available.

Best wishes.