(iNET) Intelligent Mobility: Making it a Commercial Reality – National Space Centre

Amr Presenting a Poster at the National Space Centre, Leicester. iNET Transport, Mobility Scooter with Navigation System

Amr Ahmed has been invited for this iNET Transport event at the National Space Centre, as has been a partner in one of the iNET Transport projects. During the day, Amr presented a Poster, with support from Tony Daniel, about his iNET project; Mobility Scooter with navigation system (Demo video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RGQm4GKfgN0 and list of Projects at http://amrahmed.blogs.lincoln.ac.uk/projects/ )



Amr Presenting a Poster at the National Space Centre, Leicester. iNET Transport, Mobility Scooter with Navigation System
National Space Centre - Leicester

ECM9 and Audit meeting for SUS-IT project

Dr Amr Ahmed participated in the 9th Executive Committe Meeting (ECM) of his SUS-IT project, at Loughborough, on 9th Septmeber. This was immediately followed by an Audit meeting with an NDA representative.

Very interesting to see the work of such a large consortium coming together during the final year of the project, with experienced researchers/professors.  An excellent experience.

SandPit 4 B – SUS-IT project

Amr participated in the 2nd part of the SandPit 4 event within his SUS-IT project (funded by the NDA program, 5 research councils). One of the interesting topics is around how help (automated/semi-automated…) provided to elderly while using ICT to enable them to stay longer and have better life style at their own homes.

The 1st part was held earlier in July.

ECM of the SUS-IT Project

Amr attended the Executive Committee Meeting of the SUS-IT project (as a partner and Lincoln’s PI in the SUS-IT Project), in Loughborough earlier in June.

Leaders of workpackages represented progress and findings so far, in supporting elderly people, and the plan for the remaining part of the project.

SUS-IT Project Write-Up workshop

Amr participated in the Write-UP workshop of  the SUS-IT project consortium (which Amr is a partner in), on 17th and 18th May in Loughborough. Interesting to meet most of the partners, from all over the UK. Many discussions across the work-packages, especially with completion of the project (started in Jan 2009) expected ~mid next year.

2009 Old Posts


SandPit [1] – Dundee

On Sept. 2009, Amr contributed to the first SandPit of WP3, in Dundee.

SUS-IT WorkPackages meeting – London

On Mar 2009, Amr attended the SUS-IT project’s workpackages meeting in London. 

SUS-IT project kick off

On Feb 2009, Amr participated in the kick-off workshop for the SUS-IT project, one of only 6 projects in the UK that are funded by the NDA program (joint funded by 5 research councils).