Demonstration of the DHS prototype

Amr presented the DHS prototype, from the “Mastering DHS” project {Dynamic Hip Screw surgery}, to the participants of the “Evolutoin of Knee Replacement Surgery” Meeting, hold earlier in June, within the University of Lincoln.

This project looks at computer-based virtual training for the junior surgeon, for improving the hands-eye-brain coordination for the DHS surgery, with benefits to patients, trainees, and the NHS.

Amr was invited by Prof. Maqsood, Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon. 

SUS-IT Project Write-Up workshop

Amr participated in the Write-UP workshop of  the SUS-IT project consortium (which Amr is a partner in), on 17th and 18th May in Loughborough. Interesting to meet most of the partners, from all over the UK. Many discussions across the work-packages, especially with completion of the project (started in Jan 2009) expected ~mid next year.

Masterig DHS

Mastering DHS is an initial prototype for

virtual training of Junior surgeons for the DHS (Dynamic Hip Screw) surgery.


It aims at improving the Hand-eyes-Brain coordination by providing a computerised training system, constructed from affordable Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COT) componenets.

This work is in collaboration with Prof. Maqsood, Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic surgeon in the Lincoln Hospital.


Project in the media/press:

Conference paper here:


For further details, please contact:

Contact details On the Web:
Dr Amr Ahmed
School of Computer Science
University of Lincoln
Brayford Pool
Lincoln LN6 7TS
United Kingdom
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Tel.: +44 (0) 1522 837376
Fax.: +44(0) 1522 886974
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