SandPit 4 B – SUS-IT project

Amr participated in the 2nd part of the SandPit 4 event within his SUS-IT project (funded by the NDA program, 5 research councils). One of the interesting topics is around how help (automated/semi-automated…) provided to elderly while using ICT to enable them to stay longer and have better life style at their own homes.

The 1st part was held earlier in July.

ECM of the SUS-IT Project

Amr attended the Executive Committee Meeting of the SUS-IT project (as a partner and Lincoln’s PI in the SUS-IT Project), in Loughborough earlier in June.

Leaders of workpackages represented progress and findings so far, in supporting elderly people, and the plan for the remaining part of the project.

Demonstration of the DHS prototype

Amr presented the DHS prototype, from the “Mastering DHS” project {Dynamic Hip Screw surgery}, to the participants of the “Evolutoin of Knee Replacement Surgery” Meeting, hold earlier in June, within the University of Lincoln.

This project looks at computer-based virtual training for the junior surgeon, for improving the hands-eye-brain coordination for the DHS surgery, with benefits to patients, trainees, and the NHS.

Amr was invited by Prof. Maqsood, Consultant Trauma & Orthopaedic Surgeon. 

SUS-IT Project Write-Up workshop

Amr participated in the Write-UP workshop of  the SUS-IT project consortium (which Amr is a partner in), on 17th and 18th May in Loughborough. Interesting to meet most of the partners, from all over the UK. Many discussions across the work-packages, especially with completion of the project (started in Jan 2009) expected ~mid next year.

GraVision’11 Summer School {LSoCS-Lincoln}

The Lincoln School of Computer Science (LSoCS) is proud to host this year’s  CGVIA summer school, in collaboration with the Arab Academy for Science,  Technology & Maritime Transport (AASTMT), London International Office.   Poster, details, program and registration online at


This is an excellent opportunity to have a taste of studying and living in the  UK, in the historic city of Lincoln.

The Summer School 2011 will provide a challenging combination of taught,  practical and hands-on activities, with concluding mini projects and  presentations. There will be an emphasis on the Computer Graphics and vision  with focus on interactive applications such as games and virtual reality.  Participants will be exposed to a range of technologies, including MotionCapture,  and research activities carried out in Lincoln. They will also be fully  supported and have access to the School’s computing and research laboratories as  well as other University’s facilities. The overall program falls within the  following topics:

• Introduction to Computer Graphics. • Interactive Graphics and Visualisation applications. • Introduction to Image Processing/Computer Vision. • Non-conventional Interactions (e.g. WiiMote, Vision-based interaction).

The program will also include:

• Local/regional tours/trips, including scientific sites, and Guest Speakers. • Career Advice, Employability and Skills development. (e.g. Academic Writing,  CV writing, Interview tips)

The Summer School is designed for students and recent graduates who are  interested in computer graphics, computer vision, visualisation, games, and  virtual reality. Tutors include research-active academics and researchers with  various cultural and international backgrounds. A certificate of attendance will  be presented to all those who successfully complete the Summer School.

For the best benefits, participants are expected to have a good level of  programming (C/C++) and Mathematics. Places will be limited on a first come  first serve basis.



Gulf Education Exhibition/Visits in Oman

Dr Amr Ahmed attended the Gulf Education Mission and Exhibition (for International Students) in Muscat, Oman, as an Academic representative of the University of Lincoln, and the Lincoln School of Computer Science.

Morning: Visits to various International Schools

Evening: Education Exhibition, Raddison Hotel, Muscat, Oman.

Education Exhibition - Muscat, Oman.
-Muscat International School-
Muscat International School {Education Visit, during the Gulf Mission}
A quick Coffee break, between visits and exhibition

QR Context-aware mobile navigation (in/out door)

Mobile in-door navigation (iPhone App, QR)
Path found, instructions shown. Mobile in-door navigation (iPhone App, QR)
Path drawn in red, Mobile in-door navigation (iPhone App, QR)


This project develops a mobile phone for navigation.QR codes, read through the mobile camera, provides localised information on current position (especially in-door, where other navigation technologies are problematic).

This initial prototype is utilised initially for in-door and around the campus navigation. But futher functionalities (e.g. link with timetable, seminar rooms, other sevices) will be added provide PoI, planning, notifications (what is going on nearby), in addition to the navigation (with interactive maps).

It is envasaged to be flexable and can be adapted t other places like City Centre shopping, tourist guidance, and event like Christmas Market and the Air Show…..

For further details, please contact:

Contact details On the Web:
Dr Amr Ahmed
School of Computer Science
University of Lincoln
Brayford Pool
Lincoln LN6 7TS
United Kingdom
On Academia:
On ResearchID:
Tel.: +44 (0) 1522 837376
Fax.: +44(0) 1522 886974
My Web Pages:

Integrating Mobility Scooters with Smart Homes

This is an EU/EMDA iNET Transport funded project, in collaboration with DMU, The project aims to investigate improving the technology support for Mobility scooters for out of home activities. Addressing the out-of-home activities is important as it is considered a factor of reducing the social isolation and to help improving the independence and life style of elderly.

A monitoring and navigation system (including in-door) is developed and mounted on a standard scooter. A shopping show-case is demonstrated and trialled at one of the Co-op supermarkets. See a demo here:

This project, in particular, attracted a lot of media coverage, local, national, and international, and BBC interviews. Examples of that can be found in the list below:







And various business pages including



We also received requests from BBC LookNorth and ITV for filming our system’s prototype, and this is in planning.